

Campton Hills Divorce Lawyer

Experienced Divorce Attorney Serving Clients in Campton Hills, IL

At Goostree Law Group, we understand that the outcome of a divorce case can have a major impact on many areas of your life. If you are a parent of minor children, you will have to make important decisions about parental responsibilities and parenting time. The resolution of your divorce can impact your financial future, with the division of marital assets and alimony playing important roles in your finances for many years to come. If you have decided to end your marriage, or even if you are just considering it, it is important to meet with one of our Campton Hills, IL divorce lawyers to ensure that you understand the legal issues you will need to address and the steps you can take to protect your rights and interests.

Types of Divorce in Illinois

A divorce may be either uncontested or contested. If you opt for an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse will work to reach agreements on all the issues you will have to resolve, such as child custody, alimony, and property division. In this type of case, the court will typically only be involved in signing off on the divorce settlement agreement and issuing a divorce decree. Even if you have been able to negotiate agreements with your spouse on your own, it is important to consult with a Campton Hills divorce lawyer to make sure that the settlement will be fair and will protect your best interests.

If you and your spouse cannot reach agreements on some or all of the issues in your case, it is considered a contested divorce. This type of divorce is often referred to as a high conflict divorce, and it may even involve issues like allegations of stalking, harassment, or domestic violence. The timeframe for a contested divorce is usually longer than an uncontested divorce. Negotiations between you and your spouse may take longer if you encounter conflict, and if your negotiations reach an impasse, litigation in front of a judge may be required to resolve the outstanding issues in your case.

Divorce-Related Issues Our Firm Can Handle

When you are choosing a Campton Hills divorce lawyer to represent you, you want to make sure they are experienced in all types of cases and can develop legal strategies no matter what circumstances arise. Our attorneys can help address unique concerns involving:

High-Asset Divorce

Divorces involving high-net-worth couples often have unique financial issues that need to be addressed. High-asset divorces require the valuation of assets, properties, and businesses or professional practices. Our lawyers have extensive experience addressing complex financial concerns, and we can also assist with divorces involving hidden assets and the dissipation of assets.

Divorce Over 50

Sometimes referred to as "gray divorce," cases involving couples over the age of 50 typically focus on different issues than divorces involving younger couples. If you are getting a divorce later in life, you may need to pay more attention to financial issues rather than child custody. Retirement funds, stocks, other financial assets, spousal support, and even health issues are all factors that may need to be addressed.

Divorce for Stay-at-Home Parents

Goostree Law Group has successfully represented many clients who have been homemakers or who did not work outside the home during their marriages. In this type of divorce, one parent may have left the workforce to be the primary caretaker of the couple's children, and the other spouse may be the primary breadwinner. This can put the stay-at-home parent at an unfair financial disadvantage in a divorce.

We fight to ensure that clients in these positions are financially protected and that they receive their fair share of marital assets following their divorce. In many of these cases, spousal support will be appropriate, and it will provide a stay-at-home parent with the time and resources they need to obtain education, pursue employment, and eventually be able to fully support themselves.

Contact Our Campton Hills, IL Divorce Lawyers

If your marriage is ending, you have enough stress and worry to deal with. Let Goostree Law Group deal with the legal and financial aspects of divorce so you can process emotional concerns and focus on your family and future. Contact us at 630-584-4800 to schedule a free and confidential consultation with one of our dedicated Campton Hills divorce attorneys.

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