

South Elgin Divorce Lawyer

Trusted Divorce Attorney Representing Clients in South Elgin, IL

If you are considering ending your marriage or have already made the decision to get a divorce, you are likely looking for a skilled South Elgin divorce lawyer to assist you throughout this process. Goostree Law Group is dedicated to preserving the rights, interests, and future of every one of our clients. When you hire our firm, you get a legal team with more than two decades of experience in Illinois divorce and family law.

Types of Divorce in Illinois

There are two basic categories of divorce. An uncontested divorce is one where both spouses agree on all the issues that will be included in their divorce decree, such as the division of assets and child custody. In this type of divorce, since the parties agree, there is usually no need for litigation or a trial. If you and your spouse have chosen an uncontested divorce and are in agreement on all issues, it is still essential to consult with a South Elgin divorce lawyer to review the settlement, identify any concerns, and make sure it complies with all requirements while protecting your best interests.

The second type of divorce is a contested divorce. In this type of case, a couple does not agree on one or more of the issues that need to be addressed in the final divorce decree. There may be a disagreement over parenting time schedules, the value of the marital estate, or how assets should be divided between the couple. There may also be disagreement over spousal support or the validity of a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement the couple may have signed.

If you and your spouse are entering divorce with strong disagreements and anticipate having difficulty resolving important issues, it is all the more important to have an experienced divorce attorney on your side. You can bet that your spouse will have a good attorney, and to protect your interests and your future, you should too.

Issues That Need to Be Resolved in an Illinois Divorce

There are a number of different factors that may be involved in your divorce. This is why it is important to speak with one of our South Elgin divorce lawyers, even if you are not quite ready to file a divorce petition yet. The more prepared you are, the better your chances are for a more positive outcome.

Division of Assets

Under Illinois law, the division of marital property during divorce is done using the "equitable distribution" standard. This standard does not mean that the assets will be divided equally, but instead, they will be divided fairly based on certain factors related to your marriage and your unique situation. At Goostree Law Group, we will work diligently to make sure you receive your fair share of the marital estate so that your financial future will be protected and secure.

Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

Several years ago, Illinois lawmakers completely overhauled the state's Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. One area that saw significant changes was child custody. In fact, instead of being called child custody, this aspect of divorce and family law cases is now referred to as the allocation of parental responsibilities. Parents must decide how they will share the responsibility for making decisions regarding their child's medical care, education, religion, and other issues or whether one parent will have primary or sole responsibility in any or all of these areas.

Divorcing parents must also develop a parenting time schedule stipulating when the child will be with each parent, including on holidays, birthdays, vacations, and other significant periods. The lawyers at Goostree Law Group understand that negotiating a custody agreement can be especially stressful and emotional for parents. We will focus on protecting your parental rights while keeping the best interest of your child as our primary concern.

Alimony and Child Support

Not every divorce involves spousal support and/or child support, but when these need to be addressed, they can be difficult issues to resolve. Couples often strongly disagree over alimony (known as spousal maintenance in Illinois), and a spouse may need to make the case for ongoing financial support to the court to ensure that they will be able to meet their needs. Even though they both love their children, parents may disagree about child support, including what amounts should be paid and what expenses will be appropriate. Whether you or your spouse will pay alimony or child support will depend on many complex factors, and you can get a better sense of what to expect by talking to our attorneys.

Other Divorce Concerns Our Firm Can Help With

Every divorce is different, and each case will involve unique circumstances that may need to be addressed. You can count on our firm's experience and reputation to handle the following concerns and more:

Contact Our South Elgin, IL Divorce Lawyers

If you would like to schedule a free consultation with one of our dedicated South Elgin divorce attorneys, contact us at 630-584-4800 today. At Goostree Law Group, we truly believe in our firm's motto, "Protecting what you hold close when it matters most." We will be here for you through every step of this legal process, and we will work to ensure that you can resolve your case and move forward successfully.

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