

Basketball Legend Ordered to Pay $500,000 in Back Child Support

 Posted on January 31, 2013 in Divorce

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman has to pay half a million dollars in back child support to his ex-wife, according to a story in the Huffington Post. If Rodman fails to pay the support, he could face jail time. Rodman’s ex-wife initially wanted almost a million dollars but after negotiations agreed to $500,000. Dennis and Michelle Rodman also have to work out custody and visitation rights for their son and daughter later in January. The couple hopes to settle these matters before the scheduled court date Rodman was also found in contempt of court because he unintentionally had not paid enough child support. In 2009, he was ordered to pay additional child support but did not receive all the documents with the order which resulted in the underpayment. This is not the first time the former NBA standout has been found in contempt of court. Rodman was ordered to perform over 100 hours of community service in May 2012 for failing to pay child support for 2009 and 2010. He has performed those and additional 23 hours in Florida. The legal disputes between the basketball legend and his ex-wife first began in 2004, when Michelle Rodman filed for divorce. Child support matters are often complex and can take a toll on all of the parties involved. A capable divorce lawyer can be invaluable in defending your legal rights. Make sure your child support matters are successfully and efficiently resolved. Contact an experienced child support attorney in Kane County as soon as possible. Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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