

Despite Progress, Domestic Violence Still a Major Problem in the U.S.

 Posted on December 02, 2020 in Domestic Violence

St. Charles domestic violence protection attorneyDid you know that, on average, 24 people per minute are victimized by physical violence, sexual violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States? This amounts to more than 12 million women and men each year. It is estimated that one in three women and one in four men in this country will be a victim of domestic violence at some point in their lives. In addition, 75 percent of domestic violence victims have children living in the home with them. Efforts have been made to provide better protections from domestic violence, but there is still work to be done.

Domestic Violence Can Leave Victims Paralyzed by Fear

Domestic violence involves complex psychological effects for the women and men who experience it. In many cases, victims do not want their abuser arrested and jailed, they only want the abuse to stop. Fearing that involving law enforcement will upset their lives too much, many victims suffer in silence for years, not sharing with anyone the abuse they have been forced to endure. Orders of protection can be issued to keep abusers away from victims, but victims need to be able to depend on police departments and the court system to uphold those orders.

A Changing Culture

Thankfully, society has changed its attitudes about domestic violence over the last few decades. According to a 1987 survey, 50 percent of Americans thought it was acceptable for a husband to beat his wife with a belt. Ten years later, almost 90 percent said it was wrong—a percentage that largely holds to this day.

The responses of law enforcement to domestic violence have also changed over time. Years ago, many police departments did not get involved in domestic calls. Today, on the other hand, many departments have a “zero-tolerance” policy regarding domestic violence. If an officer is called to a home and suspects domestic abuse, the suspected abuser can be arrested and charged whether or not the victim wants to press charges.

What More Must Be Done?

Experts say there are three steps that need to be taken to help stop the violence. The first is ending the silence about domestic abuse and lifting the stigma associated with being a victim of such violence. The second is encouraging all law enforcement agencies to adopt a zero-tolerance policy. The third is to require all offenders to attend anger management courses or similar programs to learn why they behave the way they do and how they can control and redirect that anger.

Contact a Kane County Family Law Attorney

If you are a victim of domestic abuse and you need help seeking protection from your abuser, contact the compassionate St. Charles family lawyers at Goostree Law Group by calling 630-584-4800. Our team will do everything we can to ensure your safety and that of your children. We understand how difficult it is to speak up and take action, and we will assist you in doing what needs to be done for you and your family.





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