Ex-U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh Files to Terminate Child Support Obligation
Posted on February 15, 2013 in Divorce

The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that the Tea Party Republican and ex-U.S. representative Joe Walsh has filed a motion to terminate his current child support obligation of $2,134 per month. Despite the titling of his motion, however, Walsh and his attorney are insisting that they simply wish to modify Walsh’s support obligation rather than terminate it. According to Walsh, he can no longer afford his support obligation because he is no longer employed as a U.S. congressman, through no fault of his own. As a result, he is seeking to reduce his child support obligation for his youngest child, who is due to graduate from high school in 2013.
Walsh’s ex-wife, however, reportedly had no advance notice of the motion, and responded through her attorney that Walsh had failed to pay child support for either January or February. Walsh disputed that claim, showing the Sun-Times a paycheck stub from the pay period ending December 31, 2012 that indicated a $2,134 deduction for child support. Walsh’s pay stub dated February 1, however, contained no such deduction.
Despite the allegations from both sides, Walsh is entitled to request that the court modify his child support obligation to reflect his change in circumstances, i.e. the loss of his congressional office. Any parent who is ordered to pay child support has the opportunity to have the court review his or her child support obligation when circumstances change. If Walsh truly has experienced a significant decrease in income as he claims, then he very well may be entitled to a modification of his child support obligation.
If you have experienced a major employment change and pay child support, you should consult an experienced St. Charles attorney immediately, so that you potentially can have your child support obligation reviewed by the court.