

Married Women Consume More Alcohol than Singles or Divorcees

 Posted on February 23,2013 in Divorce

LeeviWhile marriage tends to reduce the alcohol intake of men, women seem to be the complete opposite, according to a study. The study found that married women appear to be heavier drinkers than single women, widows or divorcees. On the other hand, happily married men do not drink as much as their bachelor friends or divorced men. The researchers believe the reason is that women can reduce their husbands’ alcohol consumption whereas heavy drinking men pass their drinking habits to their wives. Married people generally do not drink as much as non-married people. Women also tend to drink less than men and are not as likely to have an alcohol problem. In another study, which was led by Corinne Reczek, an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati, researchers found that getting married or divorced affected drinking habits, but men and women were very different in this respect. The biggest difference in alcohol intake was between happily married men and recently divorced men, who often start drinking more alcohol during their divorce. However, women were different. Divorced women generally did not drink as much as those still married. “Our qualitative results suggest this occurs because men introduce and prompt women’s drinking, and because divorced women lose the influence of men’s alcohol use upon dissolution,” the researchers said. Marriage does not guarantee happiness and sometimes filing for divorce is the best option for you. If you find yourself in the midst of a divorce, you should discuss your options with an experienced family law lawyer who will defend your rights and protect your interests. Contact a knowledgeable divorce attorney in Kane County at your earliest convenience.

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