

Paternity & Fathers Rights | Illinois Family Lawyer

 Posted on March 08, 2013 in Child Custody

Pick up any tabloid magazine and you’re sure to find at least one article about celebrity couple Kim Kardashian and Kanye West and the new baby they have on the way. But a recent article in The Examiner raises the question as to who legally under California law, where the couple reside, could be considered the baby’s father. KerryKardashian is still legally married to pro-basketball player Kris Humphries. And although highly unlikely Humphries would attempt to lay claim to paternity of the baby, under California law, he could legally be entitled to do just that. In California, the husband of a pregnant woman is legally presumed to be the baby's father. Although the presumption of the law is that the married couple must be residing together, something that Kardashian and Humphries have not done in quite some time, Humphries could possibly use that law to his advantage in any divorce financial settlement negotiations. However the Kardashian/West baby situation plays out, it emphasizes the importance of establishing paternity. When relationships are working and everyone is happy, there usually aren't any issues such as financial responsibility for a child. But when relationships end, the fighting may begin. Child support and other financial obligations need to be determined. Children are also entitled to certain paternal benefits, including inheritance rights and Social Security and veteran’s benefits. If you have a child whose biological father is refusing to pay child support, contact an experienced Illinois family lawyer today to legally fight for your child and obtain what they are entitled to.

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