

The Importance of Divorce Interrogatories

 Posted on June 13,2024 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerDivorce interrogatories are often a part of the discovery process. Discovery is a legal tool that allows each party to the divorce to gain information from the other regarding marital finances, assets, liabilities, and any other relevant divorce matters. The discovery process can feel invasive and can be stressful, but it serves an important purpose.

 Discovery is meant to provide transparency to both parties, which is crucial when dividing assets and determining spousal maintenance, child support, and more. The discovery process also allows the attorneys on both sides to build a solid case for their client. Discovery methods may include:

  • Interrogatories
  • Depositions
  • Requests for specific documents
  • Mental and physical evaluations
  • Admissions of fact 

Your lawyer will guide you through the discovery process, including filling out interrogatories. You should take all aspects of the discovery process very seriously as it can affect the outcome of your divorce. When you choose Goostree Law Group, your knowledgeable Illinois divorce attorney will help you achieve your goals while ensuring you are prepared for success when your divorce is complete.

What is the Purpose of Divorce Interrogatories?

The Illinois Supreme Court has approved a series of standard matrimonial interrogatories for use in divorce cases. Many of these questions are routine—you will be asked for your address, marital properties owned, debts owed, business information, and what witnesses you intend to use at your divorce trial. Standard divorce interrogatories contain more than 30 questions and subparts. All questions must be answered honestly and completely.

“Non-standard” interrogatories may also be used; however, the questions may not be of a “harassing” nature. If you and your attorney feel the questions are irrelevant or harassing, you can file an objection within 28 days of issuance. The court will hear your objection to the questions and then rule on whether you must respond. If you are ordered to respond to the questions, you have 28 days to do so.  

What Types of Questions Might Be Asked in a Divorce Interrogatory?

While you may think you already know the answers to all the interrogatory questions sent to your spouse, it never hurts to have the information on paper with your spouse’s signature verifying the truthfulness of the answers. Interrogatories gather information but can also be used to get a spouse to admit to relevant issues on paper.

The questions are restricted to the facts of the marriage and divorce, so neither side can ask questions like “Did you cheat on me?” You will be asked to disclose any witnesses you intend to call at the divorce trial, including layperson witnesses (your sister-in-law), expert independent witnesses (someone with specialized knowledge of a specific subject), and controlled expert witnesses (like your employer or your spouse’s employer). Other questions you will be asked on your divorce interrogatories include:

  • What is your full name, current address, DOB, and the last four digits of your Social Security number?
  • What are your places of employment for the last three years including your position, job title, and current gross and net income per pay period?
  • Do you own any interest in real estate, what did you pay for it, and what is the current market value?
  • Have you been a participant in a partnership, association, corporation, or enterprise in the past three years, and what is the amount or percentage of your interest?

The questions will go much deeper into your bank accounts, debts owed, real estate owned, and every aspect of your finances. If you are unsure of an answer to an interrogatory question, you can answer, “I don’t know,” or “I don’t have that information at this time.” Be aware that if it appears you are being evasive, you will likely be deposed, and the questions asked in person.  

Contact a Kane County, IL Divorce Lawyer

 When you choose Goostree Law Group, you can expect zealous advocacy throughout your divorce or other family law issues. A Kane County, IL divorce lawyer will have a deep understanding of all issues related to divorce while realizing that each case and each client is unique. If you need a strong advocate in your corner during your divorce, contact Goostree Law Groupat 630-584-4800 today.

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