

The Worst Mistakes to Make During a Divorce

 Posted on May 16, 2013 in Divorce

family law 2 LeeviDivorce can often be very stressful. The stress can make us make illogical and dangerous mistakes. People often fail to prepare themselves emotionally for a divorce and they can have trouble controlling their emotions, which can lead to serious mistakes during the divorce process. A recent article in the Huffington Post lists the following five worst mistakes people make in a divorce. 1. Refusing to throw in the towel. While it is often a good idea to do everything you can to save your marriage, you need to know when to give up. If your spouse insists on a divorce, throwing in the towel is smart. You can’t save your marriage alone. 2. Giving in to withdrawal pains. It may be hard to move on with your life after the divorce. A person may experience “withdrawal pains”, and send constant e-mails and texts to their former spouse. This is not advisable, however, because your ex might see this as harassment, which is illegal. 3. Dating too early. Although you may feel lonely after a divorce and want to meet someone new, dating too early is ill-advised. You are most likely going through many emotions, and the new person in your life will probably just make the healing process harder. You may also make bad decisions while you are not yet fully yourself. 4. Putting the kids in the middle. Sometimes parents talk trash about the other parent, or make it hard for the other parent to see the kids. However, when you drag your kids into the divorce conflict, everyone loses, especially your children, who may suffer depression and anger as a result. 5. Neglecting to get help. Divorce is never an easy process. You should never go through it alone. By talking to someone close to you, it is possible to avoid the emotional pain that often comes with divorce. Don’t make the mistake of not getting help. If you are considering divorce, contact a capable Illinois family law attorney today.

Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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