

Divorce Alimony in Illinois

 Posted on April 22, 2013 in Alimony / Maintenance

AmandaIf requested, Illinois law allows for temporary or permanent alimony to be awarded in a divorce. The courts will make a specific decision for each case, as each situation is unique. Either spouse may request alimony but it is not guaranteed that it will be granted. The court looks at all relevant circumstances to determine whether or not it should be given. If circumstances change, alimony can be changed or even eliminated in Illinois. Reasons for elimination are getting remarried or cohabiting with another person. There is a specific calculator that determines the amount of alimony that will be given to a spouse and how long it will be paid after the divorce. The court determines this by looking at each party’s incomes and assets, and needs, the duration of the marriage, contributions to the marriage, and prior agreements between the parties, according to Divorcesource.com. The spousal support is executed when the opposing spouse gets remarried or passes away. According to divorcesource.com, “The courts prefer that parties come to their own agreements on support, custody and property division matters.” Illinois courts can grant temporary, short or long-term spousal support. Temporary support is usually given during the divorce and before the final decree by the court. Short-term alimony is granted to allow the recipient to acquire necessary skills to support themselves financially. Long-term or permanent alimony is given to the spouse who has greater needs and/or has had a lengthy marriage. If you or anyone you know are going through a divorce, be sure to contact a lawyer for questions about alimony. Call an experienced Illinois Divorce Attorney today.
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