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Deadbeat Parents Owe Over $100 Billion in Back Support

 Posted on December 10,2012 in Family Law

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New Apps May Make Divorce a Little Easier

 Posted on December 07,2012 in Divorce

We are a society that loves our phone apps. There are of course the entertainment apps – music, games, social media, etc. There are apps that make our lives easier – GPS apps, apps to scan our groceries as we shop, banking apps, note taking apps and even apps that will tell you where the closest public restroom is to the location you’re at. A recent article in Huffington Post reports that there are now apps that can help make the divorce process a bit more organized as well.
  • The Divorce Log app is a calendar based program and helps keep all the information you need to keep track of all in one place. It allows you to track items like child support and alimony payment dates, time you spend with the children and any expenses you incur. Any entries that are store in the app can be forwarded directly to an email address, allowing you to send the info directly to an attorney or ex-spouse.

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Gay Marriage Lawsuit Plaintiffs Urge Legislature to Pass Same Sex Marriage Bill

 Posted on December 05,2012 in Family Law

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Women Lose Healthcare After Divorce

 Posted on November 29,2012 in Divorce

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Why You Shouldn't Hide Assets in Divorce

 Posted on November 25,2012 in Divorce

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Holiday Hints For Divorced Parents

 Posted on November 21,2012 in Divorce

Divorce is always hard and if you have children, it can be even more emotionally demanding. As we are just past Halloween, it might be good to look at handling holiday issues when you are separated or newly divorced. The holiday season can be hard to deal with for both children and their separated parents. A blog on psychologytoday.com provided a list of ten hints for the divorced around holidays. The first thing to remember is that the holidays are not all about you. An adult can deal with a different holiday celebration better than a child who has high hopes for their holidays. Secondly, it is wise to make holiday plans a little earlier than you used to, and it will be easier to do if you communicate with your ex about what they had in mind for a holiday. You will both have to miss some holidays with your kids, so the best thing for everyone is to talk about the plans and make some compromises. The holidays are also not a competition between parents. Children might appreciate gifts, but emotional presence and attention goes beyond a fancy gift or a dozen. Try to concentrate on the holidays themselves, and not on bribing your children Lastly, work out the details in advance, like already mentioned, but also make sure to tell your children about what the plans are. This will make them feel more secure in the midst of spending holidays in a new and terrifying way. Divorces are tough emotionally for everyone involved, and that is exactly why getting an experienced divorce attorney to help you is important. A skilled divorce attorney has been through quite a few divorce cases in the past, so they know how to deal with these issues. If you are planning to file for divorce or already did so, contact a dedicated Illinois divorce attorney in Kane County today.

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Divorce, Children, And Religion

 Posted on November 18,2012 in Divorce

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Legendary Hip Hop Producer Faces Arrest Warrant for Child Support

 Posted on November 15,2012 in Child Support

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Inaccurate Notions About Property Division in Illinois

 Posted on November 12,2012 in Divorce

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Basic Information About Prenuptial Agreements

 Posted on November 09,2012 in Divorce

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