Spring 2024 Winner of The Bright Futures Scholarship
Joseph Patrick Crowe
Joseph Patrick Crowe is a sophomore at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. After attaining his degree, Joseph plans on pursuing his MBA in 2027. In his essay, Joseph comes across as a well-spoken student with a definitive vision for his future. Through his leadership, passion, and determination, the sky is the limit for Joseph as he pursues his goals.

Read Joseph’s Essay:
My name is Joseph Patrick Crowe and I am from the outskirts of Evansville, Indiana. I am a current academic studying Accounting, Finance, and Business Analytics at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business. Outside of academics, I love to be outdoors hiking, camping, and especially fishing. Being outside allows me to connect with the natural beauty of the world. Being a well-rounded individual is a quality I am trying to possess along with leadership, determination, and passion. These three qualities or skills are paramount to success in the job market and life. Leadership can be built from nothing through rigorous situations that propel you to be exceptional. I believe that every person can be a fantastic leader as long as they possess motivation and the hunger for self-improvement. I have built my leadership skills through being proactive and taking charge of deliverables. For example, in my Freshman year of college, I had my first taste of true leadership by being appointed the team lead for a case competition presentation through the Kelley School of Business. In a team of five individuals, each with a diverse schedule and background, my role was to achieve team harmony and collaboration while completing the required objectives needed for the case competition. This was significantly more challenging than anticipated and taught me the necessity of patience and communication. The team, similar to other groups, had highs and lows but in the end, we grew and learned the value of teamwork while achieving an A in the class. Leadership and the ability to bring people together is extremely important in today's world especially when many people seem at odds with each other. Along with the importance of leadership is determination. Determination is another essential skill in today's work and life environment. Without determination, people do not have the drive and competitiveness to become the most outstanding individuals possible. Determination is necessary since it promotes creativity and individuality. In a world without determination, everyone is identical and there is no growth in humanity. This quality is the motivating factor behind everything I have achieved. I never want to regret my decisions, especially when I know I could have acquired my goals by pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Being uncomfortable is what allows people to become extraordinary. I possess determination by wanting to obtain a triple major and an MBA in five years. This goal, which has led to many sleepless nights, has also forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and has contributed to my personal and academic growth. In the absence of determination, I believe I would have missed out on college and most of the beauties life has to offer. Another skill or quality that goes alongside determination is passion. Passion empowers individuals to transform their interests into viable occupations, whether it's pursuing careers as astronauts, mastering the art of basket weaving, or exploring the depths as scuba divers. With unwavering determination and genuine passion, individuals can forge their desired path and manifest their aspirations into reality, thereby unlocking endless possibilities in life. A passion for learning and self-improvement are the main contributors to why I get up in the mornings and why I am determined to achieve my desired goals. My main passion is technology and databases that allow organizations to better understand their company. With this passion, I am helping a Non-Profit Organization build a website and database from the ground up. Passion has allowed me to become a valuable asset to the team and help create something truly remarkable for the organization. Passion, when paired with dedication and leadership, becomes the driving force that propels individuals to achieve remarkable feats and inspire positive change in both themselves and others. Leadership, determination, and passion are among the core qualities and skills that exceptional individuals possess. These attributes not only empower individuals to pursue their aspirations but also enable them to make meaningful contributions to their communities. With these skills, individuals hold the keys to unlocking their full potential and achieving their dreams while also uplifting and supporting those around them.